
A Big Announcement

I have a big announcement to share today. Like all of these types of things, this is a little bittersweet for me, but after careful thought, prayer, and deliberation, I have transitioned off the staff at North Point.

I don’t think I could ever say enough about how amazing this season has been. I accepted the position as Audio Director for North Point 9 years ago, and it’s hard for me to believe it has actually been that long because time really does fly when you’re having fun. It has been an honor and privilege to be a part of North Point for these 9 years, and I’m definitely going to miss being part of such an amazing organization and working with all of the amazing people there. I’m very thankful for the opportunity given to me to serve on the staff for all these years, and I’m looking forward to seeing what they dream up next.

But now it’s time for a new adventure, and you may be wondering, what’s next?

Well, that’s a good question.

This year marks 25 years since the audio bug bit me back in High School. I feel very blessed to have spent the time since digging into so many different facets of audio from theatre to broadcast, from music recording to sound design, from post-production to sound reinforcement, and finally to working within the Church. I’ve enjoyed so much about all of the different audio environments I’ve worked in, and I plan to continue to working in these different fields whenever I can. However, I have a new vision for something I’ve been wanting to do more of.

One of the things that originally drew me to working in audio within the Church was how much it reminded me of where I started back in high school. Back then I was just a skinny high-school kid who didn’t know the difference between a fader and a gain knob. The training I received was literally, “Make sure that light doesn’t turn red. If it turns red, turn this knob down until it’s not red anymore.”

So when I look back from where I started to where I’ve gotten, I see no reason why any other engineer with the right aptitude and desire to learn couldn’t grow to greater things. The biggest difference between myself now and then is in the time in between I learned a ton and continued to build on my experience.

In all of that learning, classes, books, and articles were definitely great resources, but the thing that always made the greatest deposit in me was one-on-one time. Quite simply, in all those years I never found any substitute for direct one-on-one teaching and coaching from great engineers. That’s why I sought out so many of them over the years, and that’s why I am now making myself available to you guys and your churches.

For several years many of you have been asking for my assistance. Assistance with PA’s. Assistance developing skills. Assistance with training and leading volunteers and staff. Assistance simply getting to your next level. Unfortunately, I have often been unavailable to provide any that assistance due to my commitments to North Point and my family.

So I’m taking a leap here and making myself available now to provide the assistance you have been asking for. It could be training, sound system evaluation and re-optimization, RF setup and coordination, evaluating and refining processes, filling in behind a console on the weekend, and/or anything in between.

Basically, if you’re trying to take your audio game to the next level, I’m available now to help get you there.

If this sounds interesting and you’d like to get more information simply click HERE or on the Contact button in the menu at the top of my website to drop me a line. I’m sure you guys are going to fill my calendar up, and I’m looking forward to visiting many of you and your churches in the coming weeks.

For the rest of you who simply enjoy reading this blog, let me just say thanks for reading for all these years and yes, I plan to continue writing. This blog started as a way for me to document my journey on the road of audio, and that journey’s not over so I see no reason why I would stop writing. I’ll be back hopefully later this week or early with another new article.

David Stagl

3 Responses to “A Big Announcement

  • Congratulations, and best wishes!

  • David Stephens
    10 years ago

    Great news!!! Enjoyed having you here to tweak our system a few weeks back. You rock!! So go ahead and write that book!!!

  • Tim Gibson
    10 years ago

    Congrats and good luck! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to more great posts.