
Stream Deck, SoundFlow, and the Clean Tom Button

I posted on social media a few months back that I had added a Stream Deck to my collection. A...

The Going to 11 Podcast – Episode 10 – Streaming Levels, Dynamic Range, and Limiters

Marco and I are back this week to discuss levels for streaming, dynamic range, and the aesthetics of limiters on...

State of the Mix 2021: Reverb in Motion

One of the things I enjoy about mixing in my studio as opposed to live sound are the opportunities to...

The Going to 11 Podcast – Episode 9 – Vocals: Part 3

This week Marco and I are wrapping up our discussion on vocals. We’ve talked about microphones. We’ve talked about EQ....

Chasing a “Loud” Streaming Mix

A frequent topic I see come up on social media relates to streaming audio levels and not being able to...

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