
Mix Magic & Sorcery

Deadly Bands of Destruction: Part 1

McDSP ML4000 So I’ve admittedly had an on-again/off-again relationship with the multiband compressor. I searched through my archives and while...

Imaging Expectations

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a LONG time now, and since there’s some recent stuff floating around...

The Dynamics of Mixing with Ears Out

There’s been a lot of Twitter chatter recently on a post my friend Mike Sessler did about mixing FOH while...

Questions Running Through My Head….

Just a smattering of random questions in no real order that run through my head at times while mixing…. Can...

Pants Flapping? – Part 3

Pants Flapping? – Part 3

Photo by Stephen Hunton So I’m over subs. You can read the last two posts to get some insight on...

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