RF Madness

Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

On Thursday night Mike Sessler of ChurchTechArts.org, Jason Cole of Production Nuts, and myself are going to host a TokBox...

This Train Ain’t Stoppin’

If you haven’t already heard, the House passed a bill last Wednesday to delay the DTV transition to June, and...

Dodging Bullets

Dodging Bullets

I have been very preoccupied this week with all this DTV transition stuff going on in Congress. If you haven’t...

You Always Need a Plan – 2009 RF Part 2

When I last left off, Jayce, Michael, and I had gotten together to discuss the loss of the 700 MHz...

Yet Another Big Project or How RF Is Driving Me Mad

I feel like I’ve neglected the blog lately, but my mind has just been very preoccupied with projects that all...

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