System Optimization

How I Reference in 2022

Reference tracks are a very helpful tool for me. I’m not sure I use them quite the same way as...

How Do I Fix “X”?

How Do I Fix “X”?

There’s a question far too many people aren’t asking when making equipment purchasing decisions: How Do I Fix This? While...

Tuning Misconceptions

I’m in another season where I’m receiving inquiries related to system tuning and evaluation, and, by the way, if this...

Neutered PA’s, Lipstick Residue, and the Bethel Snare

I’m a big fan of linear PA’s, but as I’ve written about in the past, a flat line in a...

State of the Mix 2019: Sweeping the Subs

State of the Mix 2019: Sweeping the Subs

Let’s talk about subs. When I set up the subs, it’s important for me to have a smooth transition from...

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