
How Attack & Release Actually Work

How Attack & Release Actually Work

I recently watched a manufacturer’s video on a new compressor that’s coming out, and once again the way Attack and...

Tool Tips – 76’ing

Lately I’ve been running across engineer’s employing 1176 style compressors, but I’m not sure everyone is getting the most out...

Pitch Perfect? – Part 1

My friends at Waves released a new plug-in this week that I know many of the folks I work with...

Listen to This: Attack & Release

Listen to This: Attack & Release

I wasn’t originally planning on doing a video for this, but then I started playing with a new compressor plug-in....

Reader Mail: Buss Compression

I’ve got another question today in response to my Any Questions? post: Can you recommend some good Venue pluggins[sic] for...

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