Merry Christmas!

I’m on the road right now for my final job this year down at Christ Fellowship in Florida where I’m handling FOH duties for Christmas Eve. services at one of their campuses. I had a blast doing this last year, and I’m looking forward to repeating things this weekend.

I just wanted to take a moment to say Merry Christmas to all of you who have been reading my articles this year. I hope you have a great holiday and enjoy any down time you can find.

I’ll have some normal articles as soon as I get past the holidays hopefully starting with a new look at guitar isolation cabinets that I’ve been working on for the last couple of months.

IMG 7499

David Stagl

2 Responses to “Merry Christmas!

  • Scott Bartholomew
    8 years ago

    Merry Christmas Dave! Appreciate you and this blog. It’s been a great resource for me over the years!

  • Art Hays
    8 years ago

    We have benefited tremendously from reading your blog and following your twitter! Thanks so much for all you do to share your experience and expertise with others!

    P.S.- will Axetrak be part of your iso cab eval?