Quality Matters


I had an article pop up in my feed recently that grabbed my attention:

Audio Quality Has A Significant Impact On Whether People Believe What They Are Hearing, New Study Shows

You can go read the article yourself–here’s a link–but the basic crux of it is that the quality of audio people are hearing impacts whether they believe what they’re hearing. In other words, higher quality audio is more credible than lower quality audio, and this finding actually comes from a scientific study.

Take the study referenced above and think about what we are doing on Sundays and with other forms of media throughout the week. If we are trying to communicate the greatest message ever told through songs and speaking so that those who are lost and don’t believe come to believe, shouldn’t we be doing this in the best way we can?

This is why a big part of what I’m doing these days is helping churches improve the quality of audio in their churches. I’m currently booking training and advisory visits for the middle of Summer and the Fall. If you’d like to improve the quality of audio in your church, I’d love to help you. Drop me a line through my Contact page so we can find a time to chat about it.

David Stagl

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