Quick Housekeeping Update


I want to do a little housekeeping today with a quick update on my world because I feel like the blog has been neglected a bit this year. The first quarter of the year has kept me pretty busy with our Sundays and events. Easter may still be on the horizon, but things are actually starting to equalize once again so I might actually get some posts published. Right now I have several posts on different topics in the pipeline, so this post is partly to hold me accountable to actually finishing them. Among these topics are things like multiband compression, bus compression, broadcast mixing for our online stuff, and hopefully some more bootlegs from Gurus Chicago including part 2 of Scovill’s breakout.

Right now I’m not sure about the state of the webinars. We’ve talked on and off about getting things started again, but everybody’s schedule has been making things difficult. We’ll probably revisit things once all of us get past Easter.

Recently one of our lead pastors, Jeff Henderson, did a message on a discipline often ignored in Church-world: Rest. I don’t normally link to this kind of stuff, but I thought this one was really good especially since production folks tend to be workaholics. Check it out if you get a chance.

It is humbling to hear from so many of you who use this blog as a resource especially since that’s something I never intended for this when I started. While I would love to write more, it is really important for me to balance this out against family, work, and just plain relaxing which is sometimes difficult for me to do because as soon as nobody’s around my brain takes off. I’m obsessive about music and mixing and talking about stuff I’m thinking about at any given time, so I’m confident I’ll have plenty to write about for a long time whether anybody’s reading or not.

So thanks to all of you who visit here and read what I have to say whether for gain or simply your own amusement. For those who email, I’m sorry it currently takes me a very long time to respond to emails. Things might be sporadic, but I’m not planning on going anywhere.

David Stagl

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