Staying Current

Our music director recently turned me on to a cool website called lala. It’s a digital music site, but the beauty of it is instead of just listening to a :30 preview of songs, you get to listen to the whole thing once.
I find that as I get older, it gets harder to keep up with what’s new in music and what the kiddies are listening to especially since I stopped listening to the radio a long long time ago. If you sign up for a free account, you get to listen to any song they have in full at least once. It might only be once, but it’s a great way to get a taste of what’s going on and what some mixing trends are. If you’re trying to figure out where to start, I would suggest just going through the top tens.
Been a loyal Lala customer ever since the days where it was merely a service to trade physical CDs (which I still do using the service). It a great service, and the virtual library only makes it better.
P.S. Check out a band called “The Dear Hunter” and their new record ACT III – Life and Death. It is proof that the concept record is still alive. Great mixing by Mike Watts from Long Island, too.