The Journey Continues – April 2022

I haven’t written one of these updates in a long time. From what I could find it’s been 3 years, and I think for most–or at least a lot of us–the last three years have been a little nutty. It’s been a strange season, but for me the pandemic didn’t turn out too bad. I’m very thankful I was able to keep mixing in my studio throughout all the quarantines and lockdowns, and I’ve really been enjoyed doing more of that. More on that in a bit.

I definitely missed traveling around and training church volunteers and staff, though. I’ve been slowly getting back to that over the last year or so, and I’m actually writing this in a hotel room on the road in Florida. Tomorrow I’ll be training volunteers at a couple different church campuses. If you’ve been wanting to get some training and have been putting it off through the pandemic, I would love to chat.

I’m still mixing FOH for area churches. As I’ve grown busier in my studio, though, I wanted to let you know about a few things developing along with it as these are the things I’m pretty excited about.

First up, I’ve started building custom Pro Tools live-streaming templates. I talked a bit about this a few weeks ago and some of my mixed feelings about using DAW’s for streaming purposes. I’ve been pretty happy with the results of these templates, though, and the feedback I’m getting has been promising.

One of the big new things I wanted to mention is a new website I recently launched: I think it’s important for churches and worship artists to be releasing music through traditional as well as non-traditional means right now. I don’t think people are just showing up on Sundays for first time visits to churches like they used to. Even inviting friends and family takes more time now, and the first step for someone usually isn’t stepping through the physical doors of a church. They’re checking things out online and doing their research. Think about it. When was the last time you went anywhere new without doing a little bit of research online beforehand?

I believe music releases are part of the entrance for a lot of people to a new church so it’s important to represent yourself well. Releasing music can also be a great way to help attenders stay connected beyond Sunday. I created as a way to provide assistance for churches and worship artists who understand how important it is to be putting out high quality music releases.

This isn’t just a way to offer music and audio production assistance, though. I’m working to provide video production as well by partnering with some of the amazing creatives and production folks I’ve been blessed to work with for years. To put it all in a nutshell, I want to help churches put out amazing content and make it easy for them to do so. If you and/or your church are looking to release music this year, I would love to connect.

Along with, I’ve begun expanding my studio capabilities to provide full Dolby Atmos content. I’ve actually been working toward this for several months now, but I’ve been keeping quiet on it because I didn’t want to jump the gun. It’s moving a lot faster than I originally anticipated, though, and I’m finally in a place where I can start talking about it.

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I don’t think I’ve been this excited about anything since I was hired to be the Audio Director for North Point in 2006, and I’m actually probably more excited about moving into Atmos. I love the format, and in February Apple’s Vice President said more than half of their subscribers worldwide are using spatial audio. So there is a tremendous potential to reach people through the format, and I just cannot wait to be working in it. I’ll be talking more about that in the coming weeks and months as I dive into what is very new territory for me.

If you have questions about any of these things or would like to discuss how we can work together, please let me know.

David Stagl

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