There Is Probably No Undo

Our annual DRIVE Conference is a week from next Monday, and it’s all I’ve been thinking about lately. In fact, I think today it got the best of me when I inadvertently did a really stupid thing in Pro Tools.

Yesterday was our first day of rehearsals, and I multitracked the whole thing with the hope of starting the fine-tuning process of mixing this week before we get into full-fledged rehearsals next week. Since our rehearsal schedules for DRIVE and Sunday have been sort of mashed up with some other things, some of our ProTools sessions got a little mixed up.

So today I was trying to quickly get some stuff cleaned up to free some disk space, and when I deleted all the unused regions in one of the sessions, I soon learned that somehow the audio regions from yesterday’s rehearsal had been linked to in that session. Bye bye rehearsal.

It’s not the biggest deal in the world, but I was just hoping to go through and refine a few things and start getting all my FX programmed. Plus it was going to be good for starting to get a handle on the arrangements. Oh, well. Just shows you should always be very careful and double-check everything before you delete even when your brain is elsewhere. I guess the good news is there’s probably no way I’ll make the same mistake next week when the rehearsals really count.

When I left this evening, I had some data recovery stuff scanning with the hopes of recovering a bit of the rehearsal, but it won’t kill me if everything is gone. Watch my Twitter feed on Thursday to find out if I recovered anything.

Currently Listening To:

David Stagl

2 Responses to “There Is Probably No Undo

  • Ray Laird
    16 years ago

    That is painful, I did something similar in a session. I was trying to clean a recording session and isolate a couple of songs. After selecting and deleting unused audio I then deleted it, ten hours worth of recording gone down the drain. Hopefully the recovery will work for you.

  • I was fortunately able to recover a good amount of audio using Data Rescue II. It wasn’t everything, but it was more than enough to do what I wanted to do.