Welcome to Summer Special

I’m still working on my next article about compression, but I wanted to to let you know about a special I’m running for the next couple of weeks.

Summer tends to slow down for most ministries which makes it a great time to think about investing in your team. So for the next couple of weeks I have a special offer for my on-site Training and Consulting services. These include workshops, one-on-one training, PA evaluation and re-optimization, etc. Basically, if it requires an on-site visit and falls under my Training & Consulting page, I have a special offer for you.

Between now and June 10, 2016, I will take 20% off my standard day rate if you schedule me for a weekday Training and/or Consulting visit on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. The visit can take place anytime between now and the end of the year subject to my availability, but the visit must occur between Monday and Thursday. This special offer ends on June 10, 2016 so if you’d like to find out more about my Training and Consulting services, please Contact me through the CONTACT page on the website.

I’ll be back next week with a new article.

David Stagl

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