
Sorry I have been absent the last couple weeks. Things are a little crazy right now everywhere so I’m taking some time off from the blog. But I have a quick post on a little tool I’m digging for any Mac users out there.

I found a cool widget a few weeks ago called Sound Reference. What this does is pretty basic, but it’s all about frequency and wavelength. You can enter in a frequency or wavelength to find out the other. It will even tell you what the note is. The great thing about the wavelength here is that you can easily change the units to whatever you preferred system of measurement is. It will also adjust the calculations for the temperature of the environment.

The widget has come in handy for me over the last couple weeks as we’ve been experimenting with a new sub layout. Using a little bit of knowledge about how arrays work and couple, the widget has helped me get some ideas by entering in different distances between speakers. I’m sure it will also come in handy for me in the future as a quick reference.

Here are a couple other Mac-based audio-related widgets I use from time to time:

Audio Unit Converter

Audilectric Calculator

My Favorite Non-Software Resource These Days:

David Stagl

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